Executive Orders Executive Orders form the White House

Executive Orders, Presidential Documents, White House

Executive Order No. 1997

[Amending the Civil Service Rules providing for the appointment of aliens when no citizens are available.]

THE WHITE HOUSE, July 25, 1914.

  Section 1 of Rule V is hereby amended by adding thereto the fol- lowing proviso:

  Provided, That when an examination has been duly announced to fill a vacancy and there is a lack of eligibles who are citizens, the Com- mission may, in its discretion, examine persons who are not citizens, but they shall not be certified for appointment so long as citizens are eligible.

As amended this section will read: 1. No person shall be admitted to examination unless he be a citi-

zen of or owe allegiance to the United States: Provided, That when an examination has been duly announced to fill a vacancy and there is a lack of eligibles who are citizens, the Commission may, in its dis- cretion, examine persons who are not citizens, but they shall not be certified for appointment so long as citizens are eligible.

  This order merely transfers to the civil service rules a provision of an Executive order of June 13, 1906.


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